
Thursday, 4 August 2016

NO uniforms at school!

Do you want uniforms in our school?Well I’m on the NO side where people don’t like uniforms.

First of all the washing, clothes are made to get dirty so that means uniforms are suppose to get dirty. But have you ever thought about homework? You could be sitting down doing homework(secretly watching the tv) But. Washing for tomorrow.

Image result for school uniforms
Money, People are not millionaires and they can’t pay 2 uniforms a day. So you got to try hard to not rip and damage  or money will be involved. Money can also used for good things like giving money to the poor repaying debt or helping family members with stuff but you spend about 100 dollars on a dull ugly shirt.

Losing your uniforms, Mostly you can just go in your draw get ready and go. But wait!! There not there. Losing your uniform is really common so mostly you have to look around whole house trying to find it.

I don’t like uniforms!!. They cost lot, you can lose them, to much money. And worst of all the washing. They waste a lot of time, look boring, and how are you suppose to have fun. I don’t Like uniforms.

I hope you agree with me. Sincerely   Thurston

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! I'm confused here. What has washing uniforms and doing homework got to do with each other?
